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Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Add Blog Title and Description.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Insert hole image just background for date or comments counter.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Create decoration line.
  • Make 1px brown stroke.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • And 1 px light stroke in the bottom.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Type some title for the first post.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.


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