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  • In order to create shade effect, load selection for new shape.
  • Fill it with brown color in a new layer.
  • Apply Multiply Blending Mode with Opacity 40 %.
  • Erase selected area using soft Eraser Tool

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Draw small shape just like on the screen shot below:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Apply Gradient Overlay effect:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Create one more shape:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Create small shade effect just like for previous shape.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Load selection for two bottom shapes.
  • Return to dotted background layer, copy selected area and paste it above shapes layers.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

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