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Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Draw 1px brown stroke, with following settings:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • And 1 px white stroke:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Load selections for all shapes except glass.
  • Fill selected area in a new bottom layer with dark brown color.
  • Apply Gaussian Blur Filter(1%).

  • Move shade shape on 1px down and left.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Add page titles with white shadow effect. Some browsers support text-shadow css,

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • You may add several icons, for example twitter, Facebook, email, or others.
  • Use fallowing layer style effects.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Create original Rss icon using the same actions just for header background with torn paper. Width & High around 135*82 px.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

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