You may get .psd* file or full Wordpress template of "Vintage style Wordpress theme" by making a payment. Put title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.

Psd or full web template?


  • Apply the following setting to created layer.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

  • Type blog name using Script Mt Bold regular font.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

  • Apply following layer style effects.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

  • Use Nueva Std Italic font for Tagline.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

  • Use following setting to Tagline.

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

2. RSS icon.

  • Create a new layer and new rounded shape 60px*60px, #beaf88, using Rounded Rectangle Tool (Radius 10px).

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

  • Apply "rss-pattern" layer style to created shape.
  • Following settings used in this style:

Vintage style Wordpress theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage wordpress template.

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