You may get .psd* file of "Castle in the Sky" The easy way to create beautiful photo manipulation with green landscape, dramatic sky, rainbow and castle in the white clouds. Photoshop tutorial by making a payment. Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.


  • Remove edge between two landscape images using Patch Tool, just like in previous steps. Erase Sky area. Add Layer Mask, load selection for sky and erase it in Layer Mask using black brush. Correct horizon line using small soft translucent brush.

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • Duplicate created landscape layer, apply horizontal flip transformation to it and merge with original layer on left edge. Mask merge edge again.

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • You should get something like this.

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • Go to Edit > Transformation > Warp(Arc).

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • Rotate landscape layer a little bit to left after Warp transformation.

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • Add layer mask to landscape layer and process horizontal line with 18% Opacity soft brush.
  • You may remove superfluous details(windmills) with Patch Tool.

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

  • Click Quick Mask icon. Select large soft brush and create a spot

Castle in the Sky, castle in the clouds, dreamy landscape, mysterious, illustration, fantastic, rainbow effect in photoshop

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