Learn how to create fairy winter photo manipulation with the crescent above the clouds, shiny icicles and glow effects. You may get .psd* file of "Magic Christmas". Photoshop tutorial by making a payment(attn.(!)- the layers with the original stock pictures are watermarked). Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.


  • Go to Edit > Copy merged. You will copy whole shape of the Moon with the icicles.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Here is the copied shape, place it into a new layer.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Keep active this merged Moon Layer and apply inner glow effect:

  • Now load selection only for the Moon shape(without icicles) and fill selected area with the same color as the inner glow. Fill selected area of the layer with Inner Glow effect

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Then merge the layer of moon silhouette and icicles dark blue glow with the new empty layer.
  • Go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical. Move flipped layer down.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Go to Edit > Transform > Distort. Move transformation points just like in the image below:

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Right click the layer and choose "convert to smart object". Add layer mask and fill it with the black and white gradient to make the bottom edge of the shadow more translucent.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • May active Quick Mask Mode. Fill Quick Mode with the Black and White gradient just like on the example.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Release Quick Mask Mode, apply Gaussian Blur filter to the selected bottom part of the Moon shadow Smart Object.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Add solid Color Adjustment Layer to correct shadow shade. Apply Color Blending Mode to the Adjustment Layer.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Go to Select > Select All.
  • Go to Edit > Copy Merged.
  • Paste whole merged scene to the new layer.
  • Go to Image > Auto Contrast.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Duplicate merged scene, and Black and white settings to the duplicated layer with following settings:

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Apply Multiply Blending Mode and Opacity 24%.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Load selection for the whole scene again, Copy Merged, place merged layer into a new layer.
  • Apply Lens Flare Filter to this duplicate:

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • You may correct Opacity of the layer to change Flare intense.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • You may also insert some stars background to add stars effect.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Correct levels for the inserted sky.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Apply Screen Blending Mode to the sky.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Load selection for the Moon and erase moon area of the starring sky.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

And here is the result!

Magic Christmas. Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon craters 3D model. Fairy Christmas snoe and icy landscape.

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