You may download .psd* file of "Honey leaking effect on the delicious pancake" below. |
- Load selection for the one of the "Sweet" layers (Command/Ctrl + click Giraffe layer thumbnail).
- Create a new layer below of all "Sweet" layers and fill selection with dark brown color.
- Apply Gaussian Blur filter to created layer. In order to create shadow effect, move this layer little but down and left.
- Load selection for the "Sweet" layer again and cut out selected area from the shadow layer.
- You should get blurred dark contour around "Sweet" sign
- Apply Linear Burn Blending Mode effect and Opacity 40%.
- Add Layer Mask to the shadow layer and fill it with black color, then restore shadow just for thick honey areas by using soft white Brush Tool in the Layer Mask.
- Insert honey drops silhouette. Create honey effect by using the same way as for "Sweet" sign.
- Create four copies, but do not apply Inner shadow effect for the first layer. You may check out all other layer style effects in the PSD file.
- The pancake and sign look flat, let's put them into the plate.
- Select plate shape in the original plate image, you may use Elliptical Marquee Tool. Copy plate shape and paste it below pancake layer.
- Duplicate plate layer and put the duplicate above pancake, but below "Sweet" and honey drops layers.
- Apply Linear Burn Blending Mode and Opacity 65%.
- Correct Levels for this layer.