" Glossy and shiny button" Nice glow filter effect for button

You may get .psd* file of "Glossy and shiny button" Photoshop tutorial by making a payment. Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.


  • Create Oval selection in a new layer, fill it with linear black/white gradient just like in the example below.
  • Choose Screen Blending Mode to this layer.

shiny and glossy

  • Cut out one round selection from the other. Fill the created selection with white color.

shiny and glossy

  • Choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (20-30).

shiny and glossy

  • Create a new layer, load selection to "shape-1" layer and fill selection with dark color in created layer. Opacity 15 - 20%.
  • Create the following contour using Pen Tool and Convert Point Tool
  • Ctrl + Click to load selection of the contour.
  • Choose Select > Inverse.
  • Edit > Clear to remove superfluous part of dark color.

shiny and glossy

And here is the result!

The button should look like this.

shiny and glossy

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