You may get .psd* file of "Steampunk golden car" Photoshop tutorial by making a payment. Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.


  • Place clockwork image into a new layer.

steampunk golden car digital illustration

  • Apply Distort transformation.

steampunk golden car digital illustration

  • Add Layer mask.
  • Erase some areas.

steampunk golden car digital illustration

  • Apply Inner Shadow effect layer style effect just like in the example below.

steampunk golden car digital illustration

  • Duplicate clockwork layer, adjust Fill about 0%, and apply Color Overlay effect just like in the previous example with car gold cover.

steampunk golden car digital illustration

steampunk golden car digital illustration

  • Load selection for clockwork silhouette.
  • Create a new layer.
  • Go to Edit > Stroke > 1px > light yellow color > outside line

steampunk golden car digital illustration

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