Learn how to create fairy winter photo manipulation with the crescent above the clouds, shiny icicles and glow effects. You may get .psd* file of "Magic Christmas". Photoshop tutorial by making a payment. Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.


  • Here is result of all previous actions:

  • Now you may merge all created layer and duplicate merged layer.
  • Make active duplicated layer, go to Image > Auto Contrast.
  • Apply Opacity 85% to this layer.
  • Add Layer Mask and fill it wit the black and white gradient(whit color in the bottom part).

  • Insert Moon image.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Correct Levels and Color Balance for the Moon shape.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Duplicate Moon Layer, apply Fill = 0% and apply inner shadow layer style effect.

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Apply these setting for inner shadow effect:

Magic Christmas Fairy night with the crescent above the clouds. Moon or crescent 3D model

  • Make Moon layers invisible for a while.
  • Go to Select > Select All.
  • Go to Edit > Copy Merged.
  • Create empty layer above the Moon layers and paste merged background.
  • Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur 10-18px.
  • Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, Increase Saturation a bit.

  • Correct levels for this layer as well:

  • Make Moon layers visible again. Load selection for the original Moon layer.
  • Keep selection, then add Layer mask to the blurred layer.
  • Apply Hard Light Blending Mode to the Blurred&Masked layer

  • Erase other ares of this layer with the soft brush except selected spot below:

  • Insert Icicles image.

  • In order to remove black background, go to Select > Color Range.
  • Click black area with the eyedropper.

  • Then go to Select > Invert Selection.
  • Select Refine Edge:

  • Here is result of removing black background:

  • Select the part of icicles and paste them into a new layer. Make the original layer with icicles invisible for a while.

  • Here is the part copied in previous steps.

  • in order to transform the shape of icicles, go to Edit > Transform > Warp Transformation > Arch. Do not finish the transformation on this point.

  • Then move left and right edges by using Skew transformation.

  • Erase marked areas to make icicles smaller and correct top edge.

  • Here is result of erasing:

  • Duplicate icicles layer and apply Ocean Ripple Filter to the duplicate.

  • Apply Auto contrast to this duplicated layer.
  • Change Blending Mode to Lighten for this layer and Opacity 70%.

  • Duplicate icicles layer once again, apply Fill = 0% and Inner Shadow. Add Layer Mask to this layer and fill it with black & white gradient from one mark to another like on the image below:

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