You may download .psd* file of "Honey leaking effect on the delicious pancake" below. |
- Select plate in the original layer again, but with the shadow area, make the smooth round selection - Select > Modify > Feature 3,5 - 5px.
- Paste plate with shadow below first plate layer. Apply Multiply Blending mode to it and Opacity 65%.
- You should get similar result.
- Go to pancake layer. Load selection for "Sweet" sign and invert it - Select > Invert.
- Keep active selection and pancake layer, make selected area around "Sweet" sign lighter with Levels settings.
- Invert selection once again and correct pancake layer levels inside the sign.
- Apply Drop Shadow effect to the pancake layer.
- Make pancake texture more sharpen. Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
- You may duplicate pancake layer, rotate it and place it below original, to create effect like on the screen shot below.
- Insert second honey drops shape and place it between plate and plate's shadow layers.
- Create 4 copies just like for the Sweet Honey sign, but use different layer style settings for the bottom copy.